Whew! I finally made some time to write. It's been a hectic year so far...but my intentions from the New Year have been almost totally fulfilled. My friend Rachel emailed me a few months ago, and asked me if I was going to Raw Spirit Festival this year. I honestly didn't even think I'd be able to go due to lack of funds...but I prayed and asked God to help me go one morning...and guess what? The very next day I told my husband that I wanted to take my daughter with me to Raw Spirit, and he bought the plane tickets right then and there, and within the next few days he got us a hotel room. It turned out that since we hadn't been using our timeshare, we had a lot of points added up so that we got he plane tickets and hotel for free! WOW. Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find! I then asked my Mom to help out with everything else for my birthday and she did. WE ARE BLESSED!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
Serana Kaya and I got on the plane, and she was SO excited. She hadn't remembered being on a plane when she was just a baby, so this was like her first time. We chewed gum so our ears didn't pop (Wish I had remembered to get some natural gum. The only choices at the airport were aspartame filled. Yuck. Ew. Never again!!) and giggled as the plane took off and our bellies felt funny inside. When we stopped in Dallas, we stayed on the same plane, and since we were the only ones on the plane waiting, the stewardice took Kaya into the cockpit to meet the pilot and check out how the plane works. It was really cool.
When we arrived in Pheonix, we got a rental car and drove towards Prescott, and stopped for dinner at Souper Salad. The roof was so funny on that place! I put a pic above to the right. They had a great selection of raw fruits and veggies. They even had a vegan ice cream for people who are lactose intolerant! It then took us two hours to drive to Prescott. We stayed in the Hampton Inn...so nice and accommodating!
The next morning, we headed to Raw Spirit Fest. It was at Watson Lake Park...in the high desert of Prescott. When we got there, we found green coconuts and bought one. The coco water was so amazingly refreshing...perfect for that desert heat. We ended up buying about 5 during our stay over the weekend, just to keep us well hydrated. Here's a pic of Kaya with a little boy named Joseph that she met. He is 100% raw and so smart and adorable. He and Kaya plan on being pen pals now...which will be great for them to practice their writing skills. This is them below, having a green coco together.
Kaya also loved the chai they had there. The first and second day it was really delish and orange. Coconut water and spices are what it had. The next day it was a different color~whitish and tasted more creamy. They had added something new in it to make it that way~the coco meat I think. Yummmm all of it was yummmmmm.
All of the recipes I had gave me so many great ideas. This pie was a strawberry/blueberry pie that I had for breakfast. I was splurging a little b/c normally I would have green juice, green smoothie and raw cereal for breakfast.
I ate a LOT of good food while there...ninja wraps, which are nori rolls with lettuce, dulse, avo, sprouts, and some kind of cashew mayo, I had sprouted rice, curried coconut, "fried banana", and all kinds of other yumminess.
One of my favorite things about the weekend was on Saturday night there was a "forgiveness circle", which was a group of people in a circle, with one person in the center who needed to forgive themselves for something. We did EFT tapping to help them release it, as well as pulled energy from the stars and Earth to exhale into the person. After that, we all came in for a big group hug, which lasted for a very long time! We made different sounds like OM in the hug. It was so beautifully healing.
On the last day, we all did a prayer to our sun. Fantuzzi led the prayer, with song and sign language. It was so sweet.
I could ramble on forever about the festival, but I will leave it up to YOU to ask me any questions you have about it...I would be glad to answer! It was in short, very fun.
Love to You All,